The PIANC YP Award is an award designated for Young Professionals (YPs) presenting at the PIANC World Congress.
The award consists of prizes of €1,000, €500, and €250 for the top three scores, to be delivered to winners at the Congress Closing Ceremony.
To be eligible, a participant must:
- Be giving a full presentation at the Congress
- Be sole or lead (where there are multiple) author of paper; working group reports are not eligible
- Not have reached the age of forty-one (41) by 31st of December of the previous year of the Congress
- Be registered for the Congress at least two (2) months prior to the start of the Congress
- Present at the Congress
All submissions must adhere to the following:
- Be written in English
- Be approved by the Congress Technical Committee for inclusion in the Congress proceedings
Candidates for this award are also eligible for the De Paepe-Willems (DPW) award, provided they meet the conditions, but may not be awarded both contests, thus the winner of the DPW will be automatically removed from this competition.
Additionally, previous winners of the DPW or YP Award are not eligible for this award.
The winners of this competition are not eligible for future DPW competitions for the same papers. Other participants in this competition may submit the Congress paper for future De Paepe- Willems Award competitions.
Winners of other YP Awards presented at the Congress will be removed from this competition.
Both the presentation and the paper will be evaluated by the YP Award Committee (comprised of members of YPCom). Presentation and paper will be equally weighted. Evaluations of papers will occur following finalization and acceptance of papers by Technical Committee. Short-list will be generated from Paper evaluation. Presentations of the short-listed papers only will be evaluated during the Congress. Bio forms will be collected from the Congress Technical Committee.
Papers and presentations will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Criterion 1. Value and interest of the paper/presentation to professional peers
Criterion 2. Significance of the paper’s/presentation’s contribution to current practice
Criterion 3. The originality of the material
Criterion 4. Whether the material contains conclusions which follow logically from the text
Criterion 5. Whether the presentation/writing style is clear, logical, concise and easy to follow
Please send an email with the subject line YP AWARD NOMINATION to to indicate your eligibility and request to be considered for the PIANC YP Award (please only do this if you have not yet done so previously)
The IADC Young Authors Award for contributions to the literature on dredging.
Each year at selected conferences, the IADC grants awards for the best papers written by authors younger than 35 years of age. In each case the Conference Paper Committee is asked to recommend a prize-winner whose paper makes a significant contribution to the literature on dredging and related fields.
The purpose of the IADC Award is “to stimulate the promotion of new ideas and encourage younger men and women in the dredging industry”.
The winner of an IADC Award receives €1,000 and a certificate of recognition and the paper may then be published in Terra et Aqua, IADC’s quarterly journal.
Download the IADC Young Authors Award Terms of Reference
Please send an email with the subject line IADC AWARD NOMINATION to to indicate your eligibility and request to be considered (please only do this if you have not yet done so previously)